Here Why Laravel is the Best Choice for Web Development!

If you are executing your business with PHP development in 2017, then you should consider using a framework. And then if you are working on large and long-term projects you need to hire PHP developers to satisfy your clients. The last several years Laravel has emerged as the best PHP frameworks because of its huge community of users, flexible and scalable architecture.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open source web application PHP framework created and developed by Taylor Otwell for web application development followed by the MVC Architectural pattern (model-view-controller).

Why Laravel?

As laravel is an open sourced, free, new generation PHP framework, most of the enterprises and start-ups use laravel for building their business websites. Laravel development follows MVC pattern and it is more accessible and powerful tools requires for most of the robust applications.

Laravel Web Development Over Google Trends:

For example, in Git Hub as of now there are 33,119 stars for Laravel. Below mentioned graph shows the trend and popularity of laravel development over Google.

Interest Over Time


Interest Over Region



Benefits of Laravel in Web Application Development

Here are the some benefits of laravel development services in PHP World:

1. “Lumen” Micro Framework

2. “Artisan” — Command Line Interface

3. Envoyer Downtime deployment

4. Rest API Compatibility

5. “Spark” Scaffolding

6. Eloquent ORM

7. Modular and MVC Architecture

8. Lightweight Templates and P re-installed Libraries

9. Separation of codes

10. Runs hundreds of unit testing to ensure new changes without breaking an applications

11. Migration system: develops the databases without recreating it

12. Quick emerging

13. Fixing common technical vulnerabilities

14. Makes the application faster and reduce the developmental cost

15. Security

Current Market Share of Laravel Framework


What Makes Laravel Stands Out!

  1. Easy Approach to routing
  2. Re-usable codes
  3. Clear Structure
  4. High useful software tools
  5. View Composer
  6. Application Logic
  7. Automatic Pagination

Global Industries Using Laravel:

Opt Out Laravel Developers for your Web and Application Development

Just hire laravel developers to make your web application functional and better with laravel development. Laravel provides beautiful routing, eloquent ORM, easy authentication and secured pages. Just have a perfect looking platform with built in laravel applications.

Wrapping Up

Discover your new business with up to date web technologies and max your ROI with features and benefits of laravel development services. With the above detailed information just make pretty sure and get the exact reason why to hire laravel development company to build your next web application. In the next article we can discuss about Open Source Software Development.

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